Grasses and Flowers for Meadows and Woodlands Texture Pack
A downloadable asset pack
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A pack of 32 textures painted in Krita.
256px for high performance billboard grass. I have also included Normal Textures.
- Perennial Rye - Lolium perenne
- Perennial Rye Flowering - Lolium perenne
- Timothy - Phleum pratense
- Timothy Flowering - Phleum pratense
- Yorkshire Fog - Holcus lanatus
- Yorkshire Fog Flowering - Holcus lanatus
Meadow Flowers
- Aqualegia - Aqualegia Vulgaris
- Birds Foot Trefoil - Lotus corniculatus
- Buttercup - Ranunculus
- Chickory - Cichorium intybus
- Corn Cockle - Agrostemma githago
- Cows Parsley - Anthriscus sylvestris
- Cuckoo Flower - Cardamine pratensis
- Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale
- Field Poppy - Papaver rhoeas
- Foxglove - Digitalis pupurea
- Globe Thistle - Echinops adenocaulos
- Lady's Bedstraw - Galium verum
- Ox Eye Daisy - Leucanthemum vulgare
- Ragged Robin - Silene flos-cuculi
- Red Clover - Trifolium pratense
- Small Daisy - Bellis perennis
Woodland Flowers
- Bluebell - Hyacinthoides non-scripta
- Cyclamen - Cyclamen persicum
- Lily of the Valley - Convallaria majalis
- Nettle - Urtica dioica
- Nightshade - Solanum dulcamara
- Snowdrop - Galanthus nivalis
- Wild Garlic - Allium ursinum
- Wood Anemone - Anemonoides nemorosa
- Wood Sage - Teucrium scorodonia
- Wood Spurge - Euphorbia amygdaloides
Buy Now$3.00 USD or more
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